The Dialog structure contains functions and structures to create and operate on dialogue boxes.
structure Dialog: sig type HWND and HINSTANCE datatype DLGCLASSES = DLG_CLASS of string * Window.Style.flags | DLG_BUTTON of Button.Style.flags | DLG_COMBOBOX of Combobox.Style.flags | DLG_EDIT of Edit.Style.flags | DLG_LISTBOX of Listbox.Style.flags | DLG_SCROLLBAR of Scrollbar.Style.flags | DLG_STATIC of Static.Style.flags datatype DLGTITLE = DLG_TITLERESOURCE of int | DLG_TITLESTRING of string structure Style: sig include BIT_FLAGS val WS_OVERLAPPED: flags and WS_POPUP: flags and WS_CHILD: flags and WS_MINIMIZE: flags and WS_VISIBLE: flags and WS_DISABLED:flags and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS:flags and WS_CLIPCHILDREN:flags and WS_MAXIMIZE:flags and WS_CAPTION:flags and WS_BORDER:flags and WS_DLGFRAME:flags and WS_VSCROLL:flags and WS_HSCROLL:flags and WS_SYSMENU:flags and WS_THICKFRAME:flags and WS_GROUP:flags and WS_TABSTOP:flags and WS_MINIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_TILED:flags and WS_ICONIC:flags and WS_SIZEBOX:flags and WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW:flags and WS_TILEDWINDOW:flags and WS_POPUPWINDOW:flags and WS_CHILDWINDOW:flags and DS_3DLOOK: flags and DS_ABSALIGN: flags and DS_CENTER: flags and DS_CENTERMOUSE: flags and DS_CONTEXTHELP: flags and DS_CONTROL: flags and DS_FIXEDSYS: flags and DS_LOCALEDIT: flags and DS_MODALFRAME: flags and DS_NOFAILCREATE: flags and DS_NOIDLEMSG: flags and DS_SETFONT: flags and DS_SETFOREGROUND: flags and DS_SYSMODAL: flags end type DLGITEMTEMPLATE = { extendedStyle: int, x: int, y: int, cx : int, cy: int, id: int, class: DLGCLASSES, title: DLGTITLE, creationData: Word8Vector.vector option } type DLGTEMPLATE = { style: Style.flags, extendedStyle: int, x : int, y: int, cx: int, cy: int, menu: Resource.RESID option, class: Resource.RESID option, title: string, font: (int * string) option, items: DLGITEMTEMPLATE list } val DialogBox : HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int val DialogBoxIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int val CreateDialog : HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND val CreateDialogIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND val GetDialogBaseUnits : unit -> {horizontal: int, vertical: int} val GetDlgCtrlID: HWND -> int and GetDlgItem: HWND * int -> HWND and GetDlgItemText: HWND * int -> string and IsDialogMessage: HWND * Message.MSG -> bool and EndDialog: HWND * int -> unit val compileTemplate : DLGTEMPLATE -> Word8Vector.vector val decompileTemplate : Word8Vector.vector -> DLGTEMPLATE
DialogBox(hInst, resId, parent, dlgProc, dlgInit)
DialogBoxIndirect(hInst, template, parent, dlgProc,
CreateDialog(hInst, resId, parent, dlgProc, dlgInit)
CreateDialogIndirect(hInst, template, parent, dlgProc,
These four functions all create dialogues. They all take a dialogue procedure and an
initial state for the dialogue. A dialogue procedure has the form
dlgProc(dlg, msg, state) and returns a pair consisting of the result of processing the
message (LRESINT 0 if the message is not processed) and a new state. Each time the
dialogue procedure is called it is passed the state returned by the previous call.
DialogBox and DialogBoxIndirect create modal dialogues and do not return until the
dialogue procedure calls EndDialog, typically as a result of the user pressing an OK or
Cancel button. CreateDialog and CreateDialogIndirect create modeless dialogues.
The ML implementation automatically ensures that IsDialogMessage is called for
modeless dialogues if RunApplication is used.
ML Extension: Compiles an ML dialogue template into the format used
by C. This can be stored to resource file for later use.
ML Extension: Takes a C format dialogue template structure in memory and
returns an ML template. It can be used where a dialogue template has been loaded
from a resource file using LoadResource.