The Scrollbar structure contains functions and styles for scroll bars and functions to scroll windows.
structure Scrollbar: sig type HWND and HDC and HRGN type RECT = { left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int } structure Style: sig include BIT_FLAGS where type flags = Window.Style.flags val WS_OVERLAPPED: flags and WS_POPUP: flags and WS_CHILD: flags and WS_MINIMIZE: flags and WS_VISIBLE: flags and WS_DISABLED:flags and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS:flags and WS_CLIPCHILDREN:flags and WS_MAXIMIZE:flags and WS_CAPTION:flags and WS_BORDER:flags and WS_DLGFRAME:flags and WS_VSCROLL:flags and WS_HSCROLL:flags and WS_SYSMENU:flags and WS_THICKFRAME:flags and WS_GROUP:flags and WS_TABSTOP:flags and WS_MINIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_TILED:flags and WS_ICONIC:flags and WS_SIZEBOX:flags and WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW:flags and WS_TILEDWINDOW:flags and WS_POPUPWINDOW:flags and WS_CHILDWINDOW:flags and SBS_HORZ:flags and SBS_VERT:flags and SBS_TOPALIGN:flags and SBS_LEFTALIGN:flags and SBS_BOTTOMALIGN:flags and SBS_RIGHTALIGN:flags and SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN:flags and SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN:flags and SBS_SIZEBOX:flags and SBS_SIZEGRIP:flags end type enableArrows = { enableLeftUp: bool, enableRightDown: bool } val ESB_ENABLE_BOTH: enableArrows val ESB_DISABLE_BOTH: enableArrows val ESB_DISABLE_LEFT: enableArrows val ESB_DISABLE_RIGHT: enableArrows val ESB_DISABLE_UP: enableArrows val ESB_DISABLE_DOWN: enableArrows type SCROLLINFO = { minPos: int, maxPos: int, pageSize: int, pos: int, trackPos: int } datatype ScrollInfoOption = SIF_RANGE | SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS | SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL | SIF_TRACKPOS val SIF_ALL : ScrollInfoOption list datatype ScrollBarType = SB_BOTH | SB_CTL | SB_HORZ | SB_VERT datatype ScrollWindowFlag = SW_ERASE | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_SCROLLCHILDREN val EnableScrollBar : HWND * ScrollBarType * enableArrows -> unit val GetScrollInfo : HWND * ScrollBarType * ScrollInfoOption list -> SCROLLINFO val GetScrollPos : HWND * ScrollBarType -> int val ScrollDC : HDC * int * int * RECT * RECT * HRGN -> RECT val ScrollWindow : HWND * int * int * RECT * RECT -> unit val ScrollWindowEx : HWND * int * int * RECT * RECT * HRGN * ScrollWindowFlag list -> RECT val SetScrollInfo : HWND * ScrollBarType * ScrollInfoOption list * SCROLLINFO * bool -> int val SetScrollPos : HWND * ScrollBarType * int * bool -> int val SetScrollRange : HWND * ScrollBarType * int * int * bool -> bool val ShowScrollBar : HWND * ScrollBarType * bool -> unit end =