
The Metafile structure contains functions and structures to create and operate on metafiles. A metafile is essentially a recording of drawing operations which can be stored in a file, passed through the clipboard and replayed as needed.  There are two types of metafile: the old form represented by the HMETAFILE type and the new, enhanced metafile, represented by the HENHMETAFILE type.

structure Metafile :
    type HMETAFILE
    type HDC
    type RECT = { top: int, left: int, bottom: int, right: int }
    type SIZE = { cx: int, cy: int }
    datatype MapMode = datatype Transform.MapMode
    type METAFILEPICT = {mm: MapMode, size: SIZE, hMF: HMETAFILE}

            bounds: RECT, frame: RECT, fileSize: int, records: int,
            handles: int, palEntries: int, resolutionPixels: SIZE,
            resolutionMM: SIZE, openGL: bool

    val CloseEnhMetaFile : HDC -> HENHMETAFILE
    val CloseMetaFile : HDC -> HMETAFILE
    val CopyEnhMetaFile : HENHMETAFILE * string -> HENHMETAFILE
    val CopyMetaFile : HMETAFILE * string -> HMETAFILE
    val CreateEnhMetaFile :
       HDC * string option * RECT *
       {pictureName: string, applicationName: string} option -> HDC
    val CreateMetaFile : string option -> HDC
    val DeleteEnhMetaFile : HENHMETAFILE -> unit
    val DeleteMetaFile : HMETAFILE -> unit
    val GdiComment : HDC * Word8Vector.vector -> unit
    val GetEnhMetaFile : string -> HENHMETAFILE
    val GetEnhMetaFileBits : HENHMETAFILE -> Word8Vector.vector
    val GetEnhMetaFileDescription :
       HENHMETAFILE -> {pictureName: string, applicationName: string} option
    val GetEnhMetaFileHeader : HENHMETAFILE -> ENHMETAHEADER
    val GetMetaFile : string -> HMETAFILE
    val GetMetaFileBitsEx : HMETAFILE -> Word8Vector.vector
    val GetWinMetaFileBits :
       HENHMETAFILE * Transform.MapMode * HDC -> Word8Vector.vector
    val PlayEnhMetaFile : HDC * HENHMETAFILE * RECT -> unit
    val PlayMetaFile : HDC * HMETAFILE -> unit
    val SetEnhMetaFileBits : Word8Vector.vector -> HENHMETAFILE
    val SetMetaFileBits : Word8Vector.vector -> HMETAFILE
    val SetWinMetaFileBits :
       Word8Vector.vector * HDC * {size: SIZE, mapMode: MapMode} option -> HENHMETAFILE
