(* Copyright (c) 2001-7 David C.J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Example text editor. *) fun mlEdit () = let open Window Message Menu Edit Class Dialog CommonDialog MessageBox Caret open DeviceContext Font Printing Transform Painting Color open Keyboard (* Define values to be delivered when the menu items are selected. The Id is delivered as part of a WM_COMMAND message. *) val menuOpen = 1 and menuQuit = 2 and menuSave = 3 and menuSaveAs = 4 and menuCut = 5 and menuCopy = 6 and menuPaste = 7 and menuFind = 8 and menuPageSetup = 9 and menuPrint = 10 and menuAbout = 11 val app = Globals.ApplicationInstance() (* Borrow the Poly icon from the application program. It happens to be icon id 102. If this doesn't work return NULL. *) val polyIcon = Icon.LoadIcon(app, Resource.MAKEINTRESOURCE 102) handle _ => Globals.hNull; local (* Create sub-menus. *) val fileMenu = let val fileMenu = CreateMenu(); in AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuOpen, MFT_STRING "&Open"); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuSave, MFT_STRING "&Save"); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuSaveAs, MFT_STRING "Save &As..."); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId 0, MFT_SEPARATOR); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuPageSetup, MFT_STRING "Page Set&up..."); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuPrint, MFT_STRING "P&rint..."); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId 0, MFT_SEPARATOR); AppendMenu(fileMenu, [], MenuId menuQuit, MFT_STRING "&Quit"); fileMenu end; val editMenu = let val editMenu = CreateMenu(); in AppendMenu(editMenu, [], MenuId menuCut, MFT_STRING "Cu&t"); AppendMenu(editMenu, [], MenuId menuCopy, MFT_STRING "&Copy"); AppendMenu(editMenu, [], MenuId menuPaste, MFT_STRING "&Paste"); AppendMenu(editMenu, [], MenuId menuFind, MFT_STRING "&Find"); editMenu end; val helpMenu = let val helpMenu = CreateMenu() in AppendMenu(helpMenu, [], MenuId menuAbout, MFT_STRING "&About mlEdit..."); helpMenu end in (* Create the main menu and append the sub-menus. *) val menu = CreateMenu(); val _ = AppendMenu(menu, [], MenuHandle fileMenu, MFT_STRING "&File"); val _ = AppendMenu(menu, [], MenuHandle editMenu, MFT_STRING "&Edit") val _ = AppendMenu(menu, [], MenuHandle helpMenu, MFT_STRING "&Help") end; (* The "state" of the editor. *) type state = { edit: HWND, (* Handle to the edit window. *) devMode: DEVMODE option, devNames: DEVNAMES option, (* Printer settings *) fileName: string } fun wndProc(hw: HWND, msg: Message, NONE): LRESULT * state option = ( case msg of WM_CREATE _ => (* Create an edit window and return it as the state. *) let val edit = CreateWindow{class = Class.Edit, name = "", (* The style does not include horizontal scrolling. That causes us to use word-wrapping. *) style = Edit.Style.flags[Edit.Style.WS_CHILD, Edit.Style.WS_VISIBLE, Edit.Style.WS_VSCROLL, (*Edit.Style.WS_HSCROLL, *)Edit.Style.ES_LEFT, Edit.Style.ES_MULTILINE, Edit.Style.ES_AUTOVSCROLL(*, Edit.Style.ES_AUTOHSCROLL*)], x = 0, y = 0, height = 0, width = 0, relation = ChildWindow{parent=hw, id=99}, instance = Globals.ApplicationInstance(), init = ()} (* Create a 10 point Courier font. *) val hDC = GetDC edit; val height = ~10 * GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY) div 72; val _ = ReleaseDC(edit, hDC); val hFont = CreateFont{height=height, width=0, escapement=0, orientation=0, weight=FW_DONTCARE, italic=false, underline=false, strikeOut=false, charSet=ANSI_CHARSET, outputPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, clipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, quality=DEFAULT_QUALITY, pitch=FIXED_PITCH, family=FF_MODERN, faceName="Courier"} in SendMessage(edit, WM_SETFONT{font=hFont, redrawflag=false}); (LRESINT 0, SOME{edit=edit, devMode=NONE, devNames = NONE, fileName=""}) end | _ => (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), NONE) ) | wndProc(hw: HWND, msg: Message, state: state option as SOME{edit, devMode, devNames, fileName, ...}) = case msg of WM_SETFOCUS _ => (* If we get a focus request we set the focus to the edit window. *) (SetFocus(SOME edit); (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state)) | WM_SIZE{height, width, ...} => (* If we get a size change we set the size of the edit window. *) (MoveWindow{hWnd=edit, x=0, y=0, height=height, width=width, repaint=true}; (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state)) | WM_NCDESTROY => (* When the window is closed we send a QUIT message which exits from the application loop. *) (PostQuitMessage 0; (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state)) | WM_CLOSE => (* User has pressed the Close box. If it's ok to close we could call DestroyWindow ourselves. Just as an example we return NONE which passes it to the default window procedure and does it for us. *) (if checkForSave(hw, edit, fileName) then DefWindowProc(hw, msg) else LRESINT 0, state) | WM_COMMAND{notifyCode = 0, wId, control} => (* Menu selections arrive here. *) if wId = menuQuit then ( if checkForSave(hw, edit, fileName) then DestroyWindow hw else (); (LRESINT 0, state) ) else if wId = menuOpen then let val on = { owner = SOME hw, template = TemplateDefault, filter = [("Text Files (*.txt)", "*.txt"), ("ML Files (*.sml)", "*.sml"), ("All Files (*.*)", "*.*")], customFilter = NONE, filterIndex = 1, file = "", maxFile = 1000, fileTitle = "", initialDir = NONE, title = NONE, flags = OpenFileFlags.flags[OpenFileFlags.OFN_HIDEREADONLY], defExt = NONE } in case GetOpenFileName on of NONE => (LRESINT 0, state) | SOME {file, ...} => (* If it's been modified we need to ask before overwriting. *) if checkForSave(hw, edit, fileName) then (let val f = TextIO.openIn file (* Text input will convert CRNL to \n. We need to reverse the process. *) fun nlToCrnl s = String.translate(fn #"\n" => "\r\n" | c => String.str c) s in (* Should we save any existing file? *) SetWindowText(edit, nlToCrnl(TextIO.inputAll f)); TextIO.closeIn f; SendMessage(edit, EM_SETMODIFY{modified=false}); (LRESINT 0, SOME{edit=edit, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, fileName=file}) end) handle exn => (MessageBox(SOME hw, concat["Unable to open - ", file, "\n"(*, exnMessage exn*)], "Open failure", MessageBoxStyle.MB_OK); (LRESINT 0, state)) else (LRESINT 0, state) end else if wId = menuSave andalso fileName <> "" then (* Save to the original file name if there is one. *) ( saveDocument(hw, fileName, edit); (LRESINT 0, state) ) else if wId = menuSaveAs orelse wId = menuSave (* andalso fileName = "" *) then ( case saveAsDocument(hw, edit) of NONE => (LRESINT 0, state) | SOME newName => (LRESINT 0, (* Use the selected file name. *) SOME{edit=edit, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, fileName=newName}) ) else if wId = menuFind then let open FindReplaceFlags (* Create a "Find" dialogue. *) val find = FindText{owner = hw, template = TemplateDefault, flags=flags[FR_DOWN, FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD], findWhat="", replaceWith="", bufferSize = 100} in ShowWindow(find, SW_SHOW); (LRESINT 0, state) end (* Cut, Copy and Paste are all handled by the Edit window. *) else if wId = menuCut then (SendMessage(edit, WM_CUT); (LRESINT 0, state)) else if wId = menuCopy then (SendMessage(edit, WM_COPY); (LRESINT 0, state)) else if wId = menuPaste then (SendMessage(edit, WM_PASTE); (LRESINT 0, state)) else if wId = menuPageSetup then ( (* Put up the dialogue and change the settings if necessary. *) case PageSetupDlg {owner=SOME hw, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, flags=PageSetupFlags.flags[], paperSize={x=0,y=0}, minMargin={top=0,bottom=0,left=0,right=0}, margin={top=0,bottom=0,left=0,right=0}} of NONE => (LRESINT 0, state) | SOME {devMode, devNames, ...} => (LRESINT 0, SOME{edit=edit, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, fileName=fileName}) ) else if wId = menuPrint (* "Print" menu item. *) then let (* Put up the dialogue box to get the settings. *) val printSettings = PrintDlg {owner=SOME hw, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, context=NONE, flags=PrintDlgFlags.flags[PrintDlgFlags.PD_RETURNDC], fromPage=1, toPage= ~1, minPage=1, maxPage= ~1, copies=1}; in case printSettings of SOME {devMode, devNames, context = SOME hdc, flags, fromPage, toPage, ...} => (let (* If the "Selection" button has been pressed we only print the selection. *) val printWhat = if PrintDlgFlags.anySet(flags, PrintDlgFlags.PD_SELECTION) then let val from = ref 0 and to = ref 0 val _ = SendMessage(edit, EM_GETSEL{startPos = from, endPos = to}) val text = GetWindowText edit in if !from < 0 orelse !from > size text orelse !to < 0 orelse !from > size text then "" else String.substring(text, !from, !to - !from) end else (* "All" button pressed or "Pages" pressed. *) GetWindowText edit; val textLength = size printWhat (* Tell the spooler to start the document. *) val jobID = StartDoc(hdc, {docName=fileName, output=NONE, dType=NONE}) (* Find out how big a character is. From this we can work out how many characters fit on a line and how many lines on a page. Since we're using a fixed width font this is fairly easy. *) val _ = SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT) val white = RGB{red=255, blue=255, green=255} val black = RGB{red=0, blue=0, green = 0} val pageWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) and pageHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) (* Create the same font as we're using on the screen. Since this is a fixed width font it makes calculating the number of characters fairly easy. *) val charHeight = ~10 * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) div 72; val hFont = CreateFont{height=charHeight, width=0, escapement=0, orientation=0, weight=FW_DONTCARE, italic=false, underline=false, strikeOut=false, charSet=ANSI_CHARSET, outputPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, clipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, quality=DEFAULT_QUALITY, pitch=FIXED_PITCH, family=FF_MODERN, faceName="Courier"} val oldFont = SelectObject(hdc, hFont); (* Use this font. *) val textMetric = GetTextMetrics hdc; fun printPage pno index = let (* If we are printing a range of pages we need to check whether we are in the range. *) val printThisPage = if PrintDlgFlags.anySet(flags, PrintDlgFlags.PD_PAGENUMS) then pno >= fromPage andalso (pno <= toPage orelse toPage < 0) else true val pageRect = {top=0, left=0, bottom=pageHeight, right=pageWidth} (* Calculate the number of lines and columns. *) val nLines = pageHeight div #height textMetric; val nCols = pageWidth div #maxCharWidth textMetric (* Output the lines to fill the page. *) fun outputLines lineNo p = if lineNo >= nLines then p (* Return last pointer. *) else let (* Find the point to split the line. We stop at the end of the text, a line break, the last word break on the line or the maximum number of characters. *) fun findEnd lastBreak i = if i >= textLength then (textLength, textLength) else if i-p > nCols then ( case lastBreak of NONE => (* No breaks on the line - break just before here. *) (i-1, i-1) | SOME b => b (* Break at the last break. *) ) else if i < textLength - 1 andalso String.sub(printWhat, i) = #"\r" andalso String.sub(printWhat, i+1) = #"\n" then (* End of line - stop here. *) (i, i+2) else if Char.isSpace(String.sub(printWhat, i)) then (* Remember this. *) findEnd (SOME(i, i+1)) (i+1) (* Actually tabs need to be handled more carefully. *) else findEnd lastBreak (i+1) val (endLine, nextLine) = findEnd NONE p val thisLine = if p >= textLength then "" else String.substring(printWhat, p, endLine-p) in if printThisPage then ( TabbedTextOut(hdc, {x=0, y= lineNo * #height textMetric}, thisLine, [], 0); () ) else (); outputLines (lineNo+1) nextLine end val nextPage = if printThisPage then let val _ = StartPage hdc; (* Fill the page with white. *) val _ = SetBkColor(hdc, white); val _ = SetTextColor(hdc, black); val _ = ExtTextOut(hdc, {x=0, y=0}, [ETO_OPAQUE], SOME pageRect, "", []); (* Print the text. *) val next = outputLines 0 index in EndPage hdc; next end else (* Format the page but don't print it. *) outputLines 0 index in if nextPage >= size printWhat then () else printPage (pno+1) nextPage end val _: unit = printPage 1 0 in EndDoc hdc; (* Restore the original font and delete the new one. *) SelectObject(hdc, oldFont); DeleteObject(hFont); DeleteDC hdc; (* Now delete the device context. *) (LRESINT 0, SOME{edit=edit, devMode=devMode, devNames=devNames, fileName=fileName}) end (* If any of the functions failed simply delete the device context and return the original state. *) handle (exn as OS.SysErr _) => ( print (exnName exn); AbortDoc hdc; DeleteDC hdc; (LRESINT 0, state))) | _ => (LRESINT 0, state) end else if wId = menuAbout then (aboutmlEdit hw; (LRESINT 0, state)) else (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state) | FINDMSGSTRING{flags, findWhat, ...} => if FindReplaceFlags.anySet(flags, FindReplaceFlags.FR_DIALOGTERM) then (* The "find" box is going away. *) ( SetFocus(SOME edit); (LRESINT 0, state) ) else if FindReplaceFlags.anySet(flags, FindReplaceFlags.FR_FINDNEXT) then (* The Find Next button has been pressed. *) let (* Get the whole of the text - not very efficient. *) val text = GetWindowText edit val startPos = ref 0 and endPos = ref 0 (* Get the starting position. *) val _ = SendMessage(edit, EM_GETSEL{startPos=startPos, endPos=endPos}) val isDown = FindReplaceFlags.anySet(flags, FindReplaceFlags.FR_DOWN) (* Get the starting position for the search. *) val startPos = if isDown then !endPos else !startPos - 1 val findLen = size findWhat (* Get the options. *) local val toLower = String.map Char.toLower in val doMatch: string * string -> bool = if FindReplaceFlags.anySet(flags, FindReplaceFlags.FR_MATCHCASE) then op = else fn (s1, s2) => toLower s1 = toLower s2 end fun doFind p = let val isMatch = p >= 0 andalso size text - p >= size findWhat andalso doMatch(String.substring(text, p, findLen), findWhat) in if isMatch then p else if isDown then if p = size text then p (* Finish *) else doFind(p+1) else (* Find up *) if p = 0 then ~1 (* Finish *) else doFind(p-1) end val foundAt = doFind startPos in if foundAt >= 0 andalso foundAt + findLen < size text then ( SendMessage(edit, EM_SETSEL{startPos=foundAt, endPos=foundAt + findLen}); SendMessage(edit, EM_SCROLLCARET); () ) else MessageBeep(MessageBoxStyle.fromWord 0wxFFFFFFFF); (LRESINT 0, state) end else (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state) | _ => (DefWindowProc(hw, msg), state) (* If this document has been modified we want to ask before quitting or opening a new document. *) and checkForSave(hw, edit, fileName) = case SendMessage(edit, EM_GETMODIFY) of LRESINT 0 => true (* Unmodified - continue. *) | _ => let val res = MessageBox(SOME hw, "Save document?", "Confirm", MessageBoxStyle.MB_YESNOCANCEL) in if res = IDYES then if fileName = "" then saveAsDocument(hw, edit) <> NONE else saveDocument(hw, fileName, edit) else if res = IDNO then true (* Continue anyway. *) else false (* Cancel - don't exit or open. *) end and saveDocument(hw, fileName, edit) = (* Write the document to the given file name. *) let (* Write the file as binary. That way we don't need to convert CRNL to NL before writing. *) val f = BinIO.openOut fileName val s = GetWindowText edit in BinIO.output(f, Byte.stringToBytes s); BinIO.closeOut f; (* Document is now unmodified. *) SendMessage(edit, EM_SETMODIFY{modified=false}); true (* Succeeded. *) end handle exn => (MessageBox(SOME hw, concat["Unable to save to - ", fileName, "\n"(*, exnMessage exn*)], "Open failure", MessageBoxStyle.MB_OK); false) and saveAsDocument(hw, edit) = (* Ask for the file name before trying to save. *) let val on = { owner = SOME hw, template = TemplateDefault, filter = [("Text Files (*.txt)", "*.txt"), ("ML Files (*.sml)", "*.sml"), ("All Files (*.*)", "*.*")], customFilter = NONE, filterIndex = 1, file = "", maxFile = 1000, fileTitle = "", initialDir = NONE, title = NONE, flags = OpenFileFlags.flags[], defExt = NONE } in case GetSaveFileName on of NONE => NONE | SOME {file, filterIndex, fileTitle, ...} => let (* If the user typed a file name without an extension use the extension from the appropriate filter. *) val suffix = case filterIndex of 1 => ".txt" | 2 => ".sml" | _ => "" val fileName = if Char.contains fileTitle #"." then file else file ^ suffix in if saveDocument(hw, fileName, edit) then SOME file (* Return the selected name. *) else NONE end end and aboutmlEdit hw = (* Called when the user selects "About..." from the help menu. *) let (* Dialogue template containing three items: an OK button, a static picture and a piece of text. *) val pictureId = 1000 (* Could use any number here. *) open Static.Style val template = {x = 0, y = 0, cx = 210, cy = 94, font = SOME (8, "MS Sans Serif"), menu = NONE, class = NONE,title = "About mlEdit", extendedStyle = 0, style = flags[WS_POPUP, WS_CAPTION], items = [{x = 73, y = 62, cx = 50, cy = 14, id = 1, class = DLG_BUTTON (flags[WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP]), title = DLG_TITLESTRING "OK", creationData = NONE, extendedStyle = 0}, {x = 7, y = 7, cx = 32, cy = 32, id = pictureId, class = DLG_STATIC (flags[WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, SS_ICON]), title = DLG_TITLESTRING "", creationData = NONE, extendedStyle = 0}, {x = 15, y = 39, cx = 180, cy = 21, id = 65535, class = DLG_STATIC (flags[WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_GROUP]), title = DLG_TITLESTRING "mlEdit - An example of Windows programming in Poly/ML\ \\nCopyright David C.J. Matthews 2001-7", creationData = NONE, extendedStyle = 0}] } (* Dialogue procedure. *) fun dlgProc(dial, WM_INITDIALOG _, ()) = ( (* Send a message to the picture control to set it to this icon. *) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(dial, pictureId), STM_SETICON{icon=polyIcon}); (LRESINT 1, ()) ) | dlgProc(dial, WM_COMMAND{notifyCode = 0, wId=1 (* OK button *), ...}, ()) = (* When the OK button is pressed we end the dialogue. *) (EndDialog(dial, 1); (LRESINT 1, ()) ) | dlgProc _ = (LRESINT 0, ()) in DialogBoxIndirect(app, template, hw, dlgProc, ()); () end val className = "mlEditWindowClass" (* Register a class for the top-level window. Use the Poly icon from the application. *) val myWindowClass = RegisterClassEx{style = Class.Style.flags[], wndProc = wndProc, hInstance = app, hIcon = SOME polyIcon, hCursor = NONE, hbrBackGround = NONE, menuName = NONE, className = className, hIconSm = NONE}; val w = CreateWindow{class = myWindowClass, name = "mlEdit", style = Window.Style.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, x = CW_USEDEFAULT, y = CW_USEDEFAULT, height = CW_USEDEFAULT, width = CW_USEDEFAULT, relation = PopupWindow menu, instance = app, init = NONE}; in ShowWindow(w, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow w; RunApplication(); (* Must unregister the class before returning otherwise RegisterClass will fail if we call mlEdit again. *) UnregisterClass(className, app) end;